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I Finally Figured Out How To Get My Dogs To Stop Barking

This Genius Device Immediately Stops Your Dog From Barking - Continue Reading to Learn How

2021 April 14th by Emily Bernard


Before the quarantine I was on a flight from Chicago to New York. While boarding the plane a woman with a cute little dog sat right next to me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE dogs, but I thought to myself: "Here we go.. This WILL NOT be a peaceful flight".

To my great surprise, the pup kept quiet for the whole flight!

Here's the strange part. A few times during the flight her dog started yapping. But as soon as that happened she pulled out this small device which looked like some sort of remote. When she used it the dog INSTANTLY stopped barking, looked at the device, then cuddled back down in her lap.

I was blown away. What just happened?! This would happen a few more times throughout the flight, each time my curiosity grew more and more.

So at the end of the flight I've mustered up the courage and flat out asked her what that remote thing was. She told me it's called BarxBuddy, a dog training device which uses ultra sonic sounds to grab the dog's full attention. This immediately stops the dog from barking!

Humans can’t hear it, and it doesn’t hurt the dog's sensitive ears. “They hear the sound and immediately stop what they're doing, whether it’s barking, running away, or chewing on something they shouldn’t be chewing on. It gets them to behave better and better each time. I love it!”

When I got home I immediately hopped online to do my research. It turns out this device is often used by celebrities who travel with their dogs as well. And because I have 2 loud dogs myself, I decided to order one and give it a try... Here’s my experience:

Within 3 days of ordering it showed up in the mail. It was exactly what the lady on the plane was using. So I waited for my dogs to start barking like they always do, and this didn’t take long. Once they did I pressed the button on the BarxBuddy, and they INSTANTLY stopped barking while looking at me!

I was blown away. It’s like having a remote control to turn off your dog’s barking! I couldn’t wait to show my husband, who was equally as blown away.

I tried it on my dogs and they immediately stopped barking

I was so happy I had to post about it!

BarxBuddy is going viral on social media

Here's How It Works

BarxBuddy uses a patented military technology called super ultrasonic sound waves that were invented by ex-military dog trainers to train dogs in the military. That's why it's so effective. The sound waves reach a frequency that's disruptive to dogs, but not harmful. It just gets their attention to teach them to stop their bad behaviors.

"BarxBuddy is being called the must have dog training device of the year"

To say I'm a fan of the BarxBuddy is an understatement. It's one of the few options that not only work faster than traditional trainers, but are much more cost-effective as well!

I highly recommend that everyone with a dog or cat that has some bad behaviors to get the BarxBuddy. And if you don't love it then there's always a full 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't love it for some reason, just return it!

HEADS UP: 👉 Take advantage of our Exclusive link to get up to 50% OFF

Ok, Where Do I Get It?

Right now, the BarxBuddy is offering a 50% discount for readers of our site, but we’re not sure how long this discount is going to last. So if you’re interested in getting a BarxBuddy, we recommend checking out their website HERE or clicking the button below before it’s too late.

Status: In Stock!

Only available online - Ships out within 48 hours

Get BarxBuddy Now with 50% Discount

Stops barking immediately


Easy to use

100% harmless

Trains your dog to behave